While my goal was to share part 2 of this series in July, I also wanted to make sure what I wrote was engaging. To keep this from being overcomplicated, we can summarize the value of studying the Bible in one sentence.

Humans should study the Bible because it is the answer to all of life’s questions.

I didn’t read that definition from anyone’s website or find it in a book. That’s also not to say the answers we receive will always be the answers we want, but that Holy book is indeed THE ANSWER. We discover who Jesus is and who we are when we flip through those pages, or in today’s technology age, when we scroll through those verses.

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” - Matthew 4:4 NIV

As I stated in part 1, I’ve had my own struggles with finding the Bible enjoyable. For many years, my preference was to read a good Christian book that included scriptures rather than solely reading the Bible. Now hear me, I am not saying I did not read my Bible because I did. What I am saying is, reading it was sometimes like swallowing a spoonful of cough syrup when I would much rather just drink a cup of apple juice and immediately be well.

As I transitioned into 2019, the Holy Spirit began to lead me into a season of deeper intimacy with God. It was in August of that year that I decided to purchase two new Bibles. Y’all, I loved them! One was a Study Bible and the other was an Apologetics Bible geared towards teens and college students.

Over the past three years, I began to see events in my life intertwined with the lessons I read through scripture. It was through those experiences that the Bible became incredibly illuminated in my world. And this all brought me to a place of enjoying the Bible and falling deeper in love with God.

What I’m sharing today honestly only scratches the surface. I think it’s time to have an actual conversation to dive into this a bit more. I hope you will join me for a Facebook live chat (facebook.com/carlenaprophet), Saturday, August 20th at 5 p.m. EST. Below I’ve included some resources that I use for my personal study time. I’ll speak on them a bit more that evening.

Bible Study Recommendations

  • The Study Bible for Women, Holman Bible Publishers
    • I have the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) translation which may be harder to find in print, but it’s also available in the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) and New King James Version (NKJV) translations. I purchase my Bibles and books primarily from Christianbook.com
    • Translations: I love that Christianbook.com provides information to help readers select the most ideal translation(s) for them. You’ll find more on that here.
    • The study notes are my favorite feature about this Bible. It’s hugely why I love reading now!
  • The Apologetics Study Bible for Students, Holman Bible Publishers
    • This is also an HCSB translation. The updated print is in the CSB translation which reads nearly the same as HCSB. 
    • In HSCB, you’ll see the Hebrew names for God in the Old Testament translated to the original names such as Elohim, YHWH (Yahweh), or Adonai. I love that about it!
  • Notebook and Journal(s)
    • I have a notebook that is specific to my church notes from sermons, another to jot down notes from my personal study time with God or messages He gives me to share, and my third book is my journal. It chronicles my own God story at work and eventually will be passed down to my children (or niece and nephew).
    • The brand I use for all of these books is DaySpring. I love the scriptures at the bottom of their books! You can of course try other brands or buy a plain notebook. I’m just particular about what I use. 😁
  • Apps
    • Blue Letter Bible: I love that it provides Hebrew and Greek translations of words and the commentaries are helpful study tools too.
    • Bible App: It’s super popular and a strong resource due to the wealth of devotional plans! It’s really great for a babe in Christ or those mature in their faith!

If you have questions about studying the Bible, choosing a Bible or if there’s something you’d like to share with me, please feel free to send me an email at info@carlenaprophet.com. See you guys later this month!


Lena 💛